Grant Funding Available

Funds are available for a variety of activities related to professional development and support for education from a variety of sources. Click on the links below to be directed to the detailed listings for each funding source. For more information regarding a specific program, use the contact information provided.

SRJC Classified Senate Bea Griffiths Professional Development Fund

Shirley Davis Professional Development Scholarship

Professional Development Application


Shirley Davis Professional Development Scholarship

Shirley Davis worked as a Coordinator, Microcomputer Lab for many years and served on the Classified Executive Council as a Negotiator and activist for professional development. This scholarship was created upon her retirement to identify Sonoma County Junior College District Classified employees and give them the potential to progress in work-related skills. Individuals may submit a nomination on their own behalf or may be nominated by another colleague or supervising administrator who recognizes a need for training. Scholarship recipients will be notified of their selection by email.

The scholarship is funded through the SRJC Foundation by generous gifts of staff members who want to honor Shirley and pass on her goals to support professional development to the next working generation. You may choose to contribute either online or by sending a check payable to SRJC Foundation, 1501 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401.

You may also contribute to this scholarship by filling out a Voluntary Payroll Deduction form

The number and amounts of awards will vary from year to year depending on the size of the Fund and the number of applications. 


  • Regular, Classified staff member
  • Proposed activity will benefit current position
  • Preference given to union members

Examples of Funded Activities

  • Conference, seminar, workshop and training fees and related expenses
  • Tuition, fees, books and related expenses
  • Workshop or off-campus retreat costs
  • Equipment needed for current position

For more information, contact the Classified Executive Council (CEC) President.