Orientation Programs

An orientation program for associate faculty, and regular faculty generally occurs once each Academic Year in the Fall semester. New Classified and Management Orientations are held regularly throughout the year. The program consists of community building activities, welcome by administrators, informational presentations by leaders and representatives from various departments, employment and benefits orientation and possibly a tour of the campus. 

New Hire Orientations
An orientation program for new regular classified and management employees occurs regularly throughout the year. The program consists of welcome and community building activities, informational presentations by leaders and representatives from various departments, and a historical tour of the Santa Rosa Campus. In-person orientations have been on hold since the pandemic and will be re-implementer in the near future. 

Associate Faculty Orientation
An orientation for new or returning associate faculty members is offered each Academic Year in the Fall semester. The program consists of a welcome by administrators and informational presentations by representatives from various departments.

New Faculty Orientation
Each August, the New Faculty Development Coordinators facilitate a one-day orientation session for new contract faculty. The program consists of community building activities, informational presentations by faculty leaders and administrators, and various tours of campus facilities and department resources important to new faculty.

Contact Theresa Richmond in Human Resources for more information.

New Faculty Professional Learning Program

In addition to the one-day orientations, SRJC has developed an innovative and unique College Service Plan for our new contract (probationary) faculty, which is built into the contractual workload in Year One of the tenure review process.  In place of required committee work for the first years, SRJC's new faculty participate in new faculty professional learning offered in collaboration with Professional Development.
Contact Ann Foster, or Alexa Forrester New Faculty Learning Program Coordinators for more information. 

In the fall, new faculty trainings focus on 'nuts and bolts' of SRJC life, including tenure process overview, understanding shared governance, Admissions and Records procedures and much more.  In the spring, the new faculty trainings will use a Community of Practice (CoP) model that invites you to select a specific pedagogical focus for the semester.  

Our Community of Practice facilitators work with Academic Affairs, Academic Senate, Student Services, and the Professional Development Committee to schedule and facilitate the new faculty program, which includes; the full-day orientation in August, the new faculty trainings, additional new faculty FLEX opportunities, and the mentoring program. 

New Faculty Development Program Schedule Topic Overview:

Year 1

  • Information on college policies pertinent to new faculty, especially district tenure review procedures
  • Understanding of SRJC organizational structure & culture
  • Familiarity with college teaching resources
  • Exposure to district campuses and sites
  • Instruction in teaching techniques
  • Assistance with classroom management issues
  • Educational technology training
  • A safe, supportive environment in which to explore issues common to new faculty
  • Additional activities which include group or individual visits to a variety of meetings: Board, Academic Senate & selected committees