Classified Training & Networking Events

SRJC Current Series - open to all employees 

Midday Monday Munch and Mingle (MMMM)

This series is held every Monday from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM.  This series is an informal, drop-in event in the newly remodeled Thrivance Hub (Staff Lounge) in Bertollini!  Come for lunch (BYOL) or stop by for a quick conversation to get to know your colleagues.  We hope to see you there!


March Trainings


Ask It Hour

Date: Tuesday, March 18th

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Doyle 148 or Zoom

Presenter/Host: Dan Klempner

Description: This is an informal opportunity to come and ask questions, collaborate, share, and build community with others who share similar work processes. Do you have a new project, that you are unsure how to start? Or maybe you are new to your role and would love to connect with someone who worked on similar projects or tasks! Join us for this Ask It Hour!


Professional Resources

Date: Tuesday, March 27th

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Zoom Only

Presenter: Stephanie Dirks

Description/Topic: Escape – come learn more about the Escape (accounting software). Presenters will be reviewing basic functionality and navigation. There will be time available for questions.


April Trainings

Lunch & Learn

Date: Tuesday, April 8th

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Doyle 148 or Zoom

Presenter: Dan Klempner & Stephanie Dirks

Topic: Purchasing/Accounting year-end checklists and processes


Ask It Hour

Date: Tuesday, April 15th

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Doyle 148 or Zoom

Presenter/Host: TBD

Description: This is an informal opportunity to come and ask questions, collaborate, share, and build community with others who share similar work processes. Do you have a new project, that you are unsure how to start? Or maybe you are new to your role and would love to connect with someone who worked on similar projects or tasks! Join us for this Ask It Hour!

View all of the Series & Past Recorded Lunch & Learn Session on the Classified Professional Development website.


Professional Resources

Date: Tuesday, April 22nd

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Zoom Only

Presenter: Stephanie Dirks

Description/Topic: Escape – learn more about the Escape (accounting software). Presenters will be reviewing basic functionality and navigation. There will be time available for questions.


SRJC Virtual Training Opportunities 

Current Opportunities:

Mental Health Resources - SRJC Classified can view these guides, training, and additional resources.  There is also a BCARE Canvas Course available.  


Additional Virtual Training Opportunities 

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