Fall 2020 - PDA Day Schedule Overview
Time Morning Schedule Location

Welcome & Plenary Session

All Day Pre-Recorded Workshops See Pre-Recorded Workshops
10:15am-11:45am Session I Workshops - 1.5 hour session See Session One Workshops
Time Afternoon Schedule Location
1:00pm-2:30pm Session II Workshops - 1.5 hour session See Session Two Workshops
2:30pm-2:45pm Break  
2:45pm-4:15pm Session III Workshops - 1.5 hour session Workshops are department based

Link to workshop evaluation

Plenary Lecture 8:30AM-10:00AM

  Lasana Hotep

Many colleges have accepted the challenge of eliminating opportunity/obligation gaps, delivering on the promise of success for all students, and addressing the issue of race within the campus climate. Funding has been allocated, task force and committees have been formed, departments and positions have been created, and programs and initiatives have begun to engage the campus in the work of equity. The response to this call to action is commendable, however, the work of developing a campus of culturally fluent and equity advancing faculty, staff and administrators has not always developed at the same pace as the implementation of initiatives. During this multimedia presentation, participants will be introduced to foundational theories, analyses and practices that provide a lens through which our colleges can develop, implement and assess our work around equity and student success.  Key concepts addressed include examining the difference between equality and equity, teaching the student not the material, and fortifying an institutional commitment to cultural literacy. 


Morning Workshops
Session I

Pathway: Diversity and Demographics

Session #: S1:2
Title: How to be an Antiracist
Presenters: Anne Marie Insull

Description: Let's read historian Ibram X. Kendi's New York Times bestseller, How to Be an Antiracist. In this memoir, Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it. This workshop will begin a conversation about this book.

Pathway: Teaching, Learning, and Student Support

Session #: S1:3
Title: Open Educational Resources: Discovery, Delivery and Advocacy
Presenters: Canon Crawford and Jennifer Carlin-Goldberg

Description: This hands-on session will review the most common repositories and initiatives related to open access textbooks and instructional materials. A portion of the session will be dedicated to reviewing the OER Commons, Merlot and Openstax with your presenters. A brief discussion of licensing, accessibility, printing and advocacy will follow the review of open educational resources.

Pathway: Teaching, Learning, and Student Support

Session #: S1:4
Title: Where do we go from here? Curriculum, Distance Education (DE), and Covid-19
Presenters: Ann Foster, Josh Adams, Lisa Beach

Description: Covid - 19 sent many at the state and local level scrambling. This allowed California Community Colleges to offer courses online without the typical scrutiny and rigor associated with courses being offered in an online modality. For summer and fall 2020, an Emergency Blanket DE Addendum was allowed. Starting in spring 2021, however, DE Addenda must be done at the course level. SRJC has responded by creating two separate DE Addenda - one in case of Emergencies, and the other regardless of the situation. This session will help you decide what is best for you and your courses. A general Q&A will be offered at the end of the presentation.

Pathway: Teaching, Learning, and Student Support

Session #: S1:5
Title: This is Hard, We're Here to Help
Presenters: Corrine Haverinen, Kim Starke, Leila Rand, Kathy Burton, Debbie Ezersky

Description: A support network has come together to help faculty to create an inclusive online learning environment for universal access. In this workshop we will be showing off tools, resources, tips and tricks to enhance the student experience and make your life easier. Come meet the team and learn what we can do for you.

Pathway: Diversity & Demographics

Session #: S1:6
Title: Burma and Its Recent History. A Visit To My Mother's Birthplace
Presenters: Dean Gooch

Description: While I took a split year-long sabbatical, I visited my mother's birthplace, Kalaw, and the village where she grew up, Meiktila, in Burma. I was interested in finding out about Burma and its inhabitants and I learned much and may have cleared up a few mysteries concerning my mother's family's presence in Burma. I will take you on a picture journey of my travels and talk about Burma's recent past.

Pathway: Diversity and Demographics

Session #: S1:7
Title: Follow-up to the Plenary Session
Presenters: Lasana Hotep

Description: Addressing race, racism and identity, inside and outside the classroom. Using case studies from SRJC, this workshop will focus on equipping participants with the skills and competencies to begin the process of addressing issues around race in hiring, supervising, teaching and leading.


Pathway: Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S1:8
Title: Developing Rapport: Online and In-Person
Presenters: Laura Ainsworth

Description: This session focuses on the three degrees of communication (liking, status, and responsiveness) and explores how the interplay among them affects our professional efficacy. Whether you are an administrator working with faculty, or a faculty member working with students, or classified staff having to navigate every conceivable situation and so many you never could have imagined, each interaction is determined by how you approach the three degrees. Since mediated environments require an increased focus on establishing interpersonal connection, you will also learn how to tailor your communication to more than one context.


Pathway: Wellness & Safety

Session #: S1:9
Title: Cook with what you've got
Presenters: Lynn Ellerbrock

Description: A new approach to cooking. Cook with what you have in the house already. Challenge yourself to discover new creative recipes to eliminate food waste and extra trips to the grocery store. This is also a great way to incorporate fresh vegetables in your diet, especially seasonal local produce.


Pathway:Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:10
Title: SRJC Tutorial Center Online Services
Presenters: Amy Flores, Regina Guerra, Felicia Darling, Lynn Rhode, Leslie Mancillas, Nan Waters

Description: SRJC has transitioned services online. This training will provide Faculty and Staff the opportunity to observe a Tutorial Session in progress. Additionally, we will demonstrate how students will access services and Canvas setup for instructors.


Pathway:Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:11
Title: A Non-Credit Approach for a Smooth Transition to Remote Services: Strategies for Recruiting and Enroll Non-Credit Approach for a Smooth Transition to Remote Services: Strategies for Recruiting and Enrolling New Students Virtually and Providing Remote Services to Ensure Student Engagement and Success
Presenters: Marlyn Garcia & Araceli Vazquez

Description: The Adult Education Department relied on face-to-face instruction and registration processes requiring our students to come to our office, or have our outreach specialists visit the classrooms to complete registration. After the college mandated online instruction, the department efficiently transitioned our instructors and staff to a remote setting, allowing us to continue to serve our students, in addition to enrolling new students and growing the program. The Adult Education staff will describe what the department accomplished to rapidly expand distance learning, improve communication with students, and restructure remote enrollment & registration to continue to serve the our students.


Pathway:Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S1:12
Title: Effective Work Families: Harnessing Your Happiness Hormones
Presenters: Nick Lawrence

Description: This 90 minute workshop demonstrates how practicing basic kindness and other human interactions help us and our colleagues produce and maintain proper levels of happiness hormones (Dopamine, Serotonin, Cortisol, Oxytocin, and Endorphins) in our brains and bodies. We will look at the 5 Languages of Love Appreciation at Work, how the languages relate to the hormones and their functions, what we need individually, and how to use this information as a team to have a healthy and vibrant work family. Please print out all three handouts for the training (Handout 1, Handout 2, Handout 3). You will need 5 colored pencils or markers to complete the activities. Please keep a black or other dark color for the last part of the activity.

Pathway:Wellness and Safety

Session #: S1:13
Title: The Biology of Viruses
Presenters: Steven Kessler

Description: This workshop will address questions such as What is a virus? What are they made of? How do they infect host cells? How do they replicate? And how do humans attempt to slow them down (pharmaceutically)? While this session is not explicitly about Coronaviruses, we will certainly give them a lot of attention, in addition to other viruses such as HIV and Influenza. Our goal will be to build tools and vocabulary to understand the biomedical research that is reported on in the news.

Pathway:Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S1:14
Title: Faculty Forum
Presenters: Anne Donegan, K. Frindell Teuscher, Sean Martin, Eric Thompson, Julie Thompson

Description: The Academic Senate and AFA will host a two-session workshop on their areas of responsibility (the Senate's "10 + 1" and AFA's "scope of representation") and how the two bodies work together when purview overlaps. This first session will focus on Senate purview (the 10 + 1), consultation committees, and the Senate's role in shared governance.

Afternoon Workshops
Session II

Pathway:Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S2:1
Title: Faculty Forum
Presenters: Anne Donegan, Karen Frindell Teuscher, Sean Martin, Eric Thompson, Julie Thompson

Description: The second of AFA's and the Senate's two-part workshop, this session will focus on the scope of representation (mandatory subjects of bargaining) and how the Senate and AFA work together when their purview overlaps. Consultation between AFA and the Senate supports the faculty's professional rights, and academic and institutional excellence.

Pathway:Leadership Development & Management Techniques

Session #: S2:2
Title: PGI Q&A
Presenters: Rima Dasgupta and Ashley Arnold

Description: The PGI committee will review the basics of PGI and share submission resources as well as answer individual questions.

Pathway:Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S2:3
Title: Humanizing Virtual Connections: Engaging the Digital Participant
Presenters: Bita Bookman, AC Panella

Description: In online meetings, whether faculty meetings or synchronous classrooms, equity, awareness, and human connections are key to foster a positive environment for all participants. In this presentation, participants will share their stories, successes, and challenges in online meetings and will pick up some tips for creating human connections, deep engagement, and meaningful experiences for all digital participants.


Session #: S2:4
Title: Structure & Design for Online Courses with Canvas
Presenters: L. Dawn Lukas

Description: Learn how to structure your online classes in Canvas to make them easy for students to navigate and easy to build. Workshop has a focus on generalized Canvas course designs that would work for nearly any course. Includes tips and tricks for converting face-to-face lesson plans and activities into online formats. Taught by instructor with 13 years of experience in online instruction across three platforms.

Pathway:Diversity and Demographics

Session #: S2:5
Title: EQUITY CIRCLE COVID CONVERSATIONS: A Report on our Monthly Meetings
Presenters: Michael Hale

Description: In May of 2020, a group of faculty, staff, students, and administrators formed an ad hoc committee to plan a series of monthly round table discussions focused on equity-based practices that could best respond to the challenges of the moment. We were heartened to see professional development coming from USC, San Diego State University, and elsewhere in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic. We thought it would be wonderful to build on these workshops, but with a focus on our own district. We also wanted to connect to this moment when people are starting to see the world through different eyes and engaging with equity issues at a deeper level. The Equity Circle Group hosted powerful and relevant conversations in May and June. For this PDA session, we will provide a brief report of past Equity Circles, and then let students share their perspectives on best practices in our new online world.


Session #: S2:6
Title: Universal Design for Learning
Presenters: Laura Aspinall, Kim Starke, Michele Larkey

Description: In this workshop, we will examine the principles of Universal Design in Learning and how you can begin applying them to your course development in Canvas. In addition, participants will be introduced to some of the common accessibility issues that students face, and learn how applying Universal Design strategies into your course can address these issues while meeting the needs of diverse learners.

Pathway:Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S2:7
Title: Infusing your course with humor (especially now)
Presenters: Nicklaus Hoffman

Description: Studies have shown that humor can be beneficial when used in the classroom. But during these even more difficult times it is especially helpful in building rapport (when some of your other ways of building rapport seem more limited), helping to increase engagement, and just help infuse more joy into the process of learning from home. This seminar will help you find ways to add more funny to your teaching process and just be more aware of the engagement you are having with your students. Hopefully it will also help you keep your sense of humor, when all your other senses have lost their way.

Pathway:Teaching, Learning, and Student Support

Session #: S2:8
Title: Emergency Preparedness: Supporting Our Students and Ourselves
Presenters: Christopher Godley, County of Sonoma Director of Emergency Management; Tony Gossner, City of Santa Rosa Fire Chief; Sheba Person-Whitley, Sonoma County Economic Development Board; Doreen Van Leeuwen, M.A., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist; Dr. Kismet Baldwin, County of Sonoma Public Health.

Description: This will provide an understanding the health, environmental, and economic crisis that we have been experiencing in order to promote and develop resiliency and intervention plans to support ourselves and our students. This workshop will include a panel of local experts from public health, emergency preparedness and economic development groups who will share their insights on how we can prepare ourselves for the health and environmental crises that we have experienced recently, including COVID-19, along with the potential of wildfires, public safety power shutoffs and air quality issues. How to cope with the emotional stress of a major disater handbook: English and Spanish. Link to Panel Resources. 

Pathway:Teaching, Learning, and Student Support

Session #: S2:9
Title: No More Tests
Presenters: Todd Straus

Description: A brief presentation of (1) the reasons to question the value and efficacy of testing in the academic setting (2) an example of a testless course that nonetheless assesses and ensures learning. The brief presentation will be followed by a wide-ranging discussion among attendees of the issues raised and the degree of relevance to their courses.

Pre-Recorded Workshops
Available All Day

Pathway:Wellness & Safety
Pre-Recorded Link Here

Session #: PRE:2
Title: Rejuvenating Breathing and Meditation Session
Presenters: Felicia Darling

Description: Feel a wee bit stressed, low-energy, or anxious? This is a great way to rejuvenate and relax for an hour. First we will check in and land in the room. This will be followed by some relaxing breathing exercises. Then we will do a joyful body scan. Finally, we will do a comfortable sitting or lying meditation for 30-minutes, where we bring our attention back to our breath. Participants may pick up tools to help navigate stressful moments, since research shows that diaphragmatic breathing, somatic awareness, & meditation help down-regulate the sympathetic nervous system.

Pathway:Teaching, Learning, and Student Support
Pre-Recorded Link Here

Session #: PRE:3
Title: How to Find Streaming Media/Videos and Use them in your Canvas Course
Presenters: Kathy Thornley and Katrina Smith

Description: Film has such intrinsic instructional storytelling power and can add pedagogical variety and interest to any course! Learn how to find quality streaming videos through SRJC library and other reliable sources and then embed them into a Canvas course. Streaming media policies, copyright and captioning requirements will also be discussed.

Pathway:Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills
Pre-Recorded Link Here

Session #: PRE:4
Title: Community-Building and Communication Strategies for Online Classes
Presenters: Michele Larkey, Lauren Nahas

Description: Everyone is missing the easy communication and sense of community that we get from the traditional classroom. How can we maximize the online communication tools available to us? How does an instructor build community when the class isn't able to meet in person? This session will cover general best-practices and specific Canvas tools that will increase communication and strengthen your class community.

Pathway:Wellness & Safety
Pre-Recorded Link Here

Session #: PRE:6
Title: Building a backyard garden
Presenters: Michele Larkey, Lauren Nahas

Description: Learn the basics for starting a small backyard garden using planter boxes, containers, or a small space in the yard. Topics covered include what to this fall, soil health and fertilizers, pest management, and other common problems you may come across.

Pre-Recorded Link Here

Session #: PRE:7
Title: Dr. Equation-Writer or: How I Learned to Stop Distance-Worrying and Love the TeX
Presenters: Matthew Fontana

Description: Teaching online STEM classes without access to a dry-erase board is difficult, especially when it comes to writing equations. Although equation-writing software is widely available in popular software packages, writing equations with this software is often difficult and slow.In this workshop, attendees will be introduced to a free software package called LyX. What sets LyX apart from other document processors is the ease and simplicity of writing mathematical equations (based on Tex, but much simpler to use!). Finding all the symbols and operators is just a click or two away!Participants will learn how to download LyX (often the biggest deterrent to using LyX) and start typing equations.

Pathway:Wellness and Safety
Pre-Recorded Link Here

Session #: PRE:8
Title: Covid-19 What's next?
Presenters: Rebecca Norwick

Description: What has happened so far with COVID-19? What will the future bring? What will be our new normal? These and more questions will be discussed in a public health perspective on the pandemic.