Dear Santa Rosa Junior College Community,

Dr. Angelica Garcia
From the Superintendent/President
Dr. Angélica Garcia

Bienvenidos! As we begin the 2023-2024 academic year, I want to thank you all for the warm welcome you have extended me as the new Superintendent/President of Santa Rosa Junior College. It is humbling to receive your messages, tokens of welcome, and recommendations for building community throughout Sonoma County.

Over the summer, I met many dedicated classified professionals, faculty, and administrators who ensure that our students’ experiences are grounded in SRJC’s mission, vision, and values. I am looking forward to my first Professional Development Activities day at SRJC and learning from the experts who reside amongst our own colleagues.

I am honored to be asked to give this year’s Fall plenary presentation titled EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE: Learning Grounded in Legacy, Love, and Generational Justice.

Since our inception, SRJC has been driven by community for the growth of the community. The 14 founding mothers were instrumental in the establishment of SRJC. From fall 1918 to fall 2023, SRJC has been responsive to the community and building a college that would transform the lives of students throughout the county for generations. This plenary will introduce my educational philosophy and leadership lens as the sixth Superintendent/President of SRJC, grounded in legacy, love, and justice for generations to come.  

In addition to the plenary presentation, I am eager to meet many of you at the Cafecito with the President workshop during Session 1. This will be a casual opportunity to meet and chat individually with you and build community.

I am grateful to the Professional Development Committee for their work organizing over 40 workshops and sessions designed to invigorate our creativity, commitment, and enhance the work we do. Please join me for a day of inspirational and informative conversations grounded in student-centered practices, student success, and collegial camaraderie. 


In community,

Dr. Angélica Garcia
