PDA Day Event Schedule


SPRING 2023 - PDA Day Schedule Overview

Time Session
8:00am - 8:30am Welcome Reception

Tauzer Lecture/Plenary Session

10:20am - 11:50am Session I Workshops - 1.5 hour session
11:50am - 12:50pm Lunch Break (Bertolini Dining Commons)
12:50pm - 2:20pm Session 2 Workshops - 1.5 hour session
2:20pm - 2:40pm Break
2:40pm - 4:10pm Session 3 Workshops - 1.5 hour session
12:50pm - 4:10pm Session 4 Workshops - 3 hour session



Tauzer Lecture/Plenary Program 8:30AM-10:00AM


Spring 2023 Tauzer Lecture

Centering OR Rejecting Indigenous Ways of Knowing: The Role of DEIA Educators

Presented by Spring 2023 Tauzer Lecturer, Dr. George Sellu

Tauzer Lecture Recordings: live.santarosa.edu

Alternate accessible version with ASL Interpretation & Live Captioning


Teaching agriculture and farming are essential aspects of our existence. Farmers and ranchers have acquired knowledge and skills through formal and informal means and this knowledge has been passed down from one generation to another. As such, it is difficult to practice agriculture without acknowledging the contribution of informal or indigenous knowledge to agricultural development. The rejection of indigenous ways of knowing has created tension between Western educators and indigenous farmers. It is unclear how many students and community members have been kept out of farming because of our rejection of what they know and how they know it? This lecture will examine the intersections and differences between indigenous and Western ways of knowing. Additionally, this lecture will explore the socioeconomic impacts of rejecting indigenous ways of knowing using agriculture as a context. Finally, this lecture will present ideas for acknowledging and embracing alternative ways of knowing using the history of industrial hemp in the United States.


Session 1: 10:20 AM - 11:50 AM



Session #: S1:01

Title: Be a Transfer Mentor

Presenters: Amy Merkel and Robin Eurgubian

Description: Would you like to support students on their journey to a Bachelor's degree and beyond? Come to this workshop to learn about the transfer process, the support services provided in the Transfer Center, ways to be a transfer mentor, and how to create a transfer culture on campus.

Location: Bertolini 4733

Pathway: Technology Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:02

Title: Centering OR Rejecting Indigenous Ways of Knowing: The Role of DEIA Educators: Post-Tauzer Lecture Discussion

Presenters: Dr. George Sellu 

Description: Follow-up discussion with Dr. George Sellu on his Spring PDA Tauzer Lecture, "Centering OR Rejecting Indigenous Ways of Knowing: The Role of DEIA Educators."

Location: Burbank Studio Theatre

Pathway: General Interest, Diversity & Demographics

Session #: S1:03 (Cancelled)

Title: Cancelled - Curriculum - Updates and Abbreviations

Presenters: Ann Foster, Josh Adams, Josh Pinaula, Chas Crocker

Description: Curriculum is an ever-changing landscape of new guidelines, Title 5 interpretations, and local implementation. Adding all of the abbreviations to the mix can really cause one's head to spin. Join us as we review Curriculum changes at the local, state, and national level.

Location: Cancelled

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:04

Title: Don't Push Me 'Cause I'm Close to the Edge

Presenters: Luz Navarrette Garcia & Brijida "Brijit" Alemán 

Description: Are you a workaholic who's been feeling overwhelmed with work lately? Or, are you willing to share how you've begun recovering from work-related stress? Join a healthy conversation about chronic stress and burnout.

Location: Kunde 104

Pathway: Wellness & Safety

Session #: S1:05

Title: Demystifying Financial Aid 

Presenters: Director, Student Financial Services; Coordinator, Student Financial Services; Drina Ochoa

Description: Wondering about how Financial Aid works" and why we do things the way we do? Financial Aid can be complex and confusing...join us as we seek to break down the barriers and keep students our number one focus. Come with questions or share in the discussion.

Location: Kunde 201

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:06

Title: Equity Minded Strategies for the Classroom (Previously: HSI Lanzamiento: Impactful Changes in the Classroom)

Presenters: Cathy Prince, Laura Larque, Margarita Gonzalez-Jordan, Samantha Montellanos-Diaz,

Description: Did you know that there are over 70 HSI Lanzamiento sections taught by faculty fall semester? In this workshop, Lanzamiento faculty will come together to discuss and share culturally relevant, equity-minded strategies that they have implemented in their HSI Lanazmiento sections. Find out how instructors from different disciplines have successfully adapted their curriculum and/or pedagogical practices to meet the needs of first-generation Latinx students. At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to: identify culturally relevant, equity-minded teaching strategies that empower first-generation Latinx students across disciplines. 

Location: Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/89380590432

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:07

Title: Fostering a Liberatory and Caring Community of Learning with Curiosity and Empathy - An Equitable and Restorative Framework 

Presenters: Katlin Choi (Faculty, San Diego Mesa College)

Description: This is a two-part workshop. In Session 1, an overview will be provided on the following theories and frameworks conducive to fostering a more liberatory and caring community with students in our classrooms and educational spaces: community cultural wealth (Tara J. Yosso), sentipensante pedagogy (Laura I. Rendon), and critical and restorative framework (Sarah Fine). 

Location: Garcia 101

Pathway: General Interest, Wellness & Safety

Session #: S1:08

Title: Helping Students Prepare for Life: Internships and Work Experiences

Presenters: Kim Kinahan & Lauralyn Larsen

Description: Students are hungry to discover how to apply what they are learning in the classroom to their certificate, degree or transfer plan (Career Pathway). Most students at SRJC work. As a faculty member, consider promoting work-based learning opportunities for students to work within your discipline/major. Students from low-income backgrounds in particular will gain an advantage of higher employability and wages by working in their field while going to school. You will also see an increase in student motivation to enroll and complete your certificate or degree program if students know there are work options available to them during school and upon graduation. This workshop will address practical aspects of integrating work-based learning opportunities into your curriculum, and provide you with support when working with employers.

Location: Garcia 100

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:09

Title: Integrating Guided Pathways (GP) at SRJC – Preview & Feedback Session

Presenters: John Stover, Matthew Long and Michael Hale

Description: Come hear the work of the Guided Pathways (GP) Planning Workgroup as it previews its recommendation for an integrated organizational structure for future GP work at the college and seeks the feedback of the SRJC community in shaping its final recommendation. The Spring 2023 GP Planning Workgroup, as co-lead by John Stover, GP Senate Liaison, and Matthew Long, GP Administrator, will solicit feedback from members of the SRJC community in review of the “still in development” recommendation originating from the meetings and activities conducted by the Workgroup thus far in the Spring 2023 Semester. The interactive discussion and feedback provided at this PDA session will help support the finalization of the workgroup’s proposal as will be reported to the Senate on March 1st and due to the District by March 6th. Come one, come all!

Location: Garcia 107 or Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/86534178562?pwd=WEtHK0llaWZmTWtmTnhPUlVqRmlGUT09

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:10

Title: Infocracy, the Digital Self, and Education

Presenters: Jurgen Kremer

Description: The digitalization of our lifeworld has resulted in what the philosopher Byung-Chul Han calls 'infocracy'. To what extent are data-driven psychopolitics impacting our lives? Is a sovereign now someone who controls the information on the web? Do we live in a dictatorship of transparency? Voluntary self-exposure on social media turns us inside out and shrinks interiority (self-reflection and exploration). Self-exposure becomes data that can be mined and sold. This means that the sense of self or identity becomes flattened into one-dimensional data. Even multiculturalism, diversity, decolonization, etc. now become consumable items or simulacra that pervert the original intentions of critical movemtns. The loss of complexity and multi-dimensionality in our sense of self impedes critical reflection and imperils the necessary requirements for a civil society, truthfulness and freedom. This workshop traces historical changes in our sense of self and looks at potential remedies. Understanding the power of digital worlds that function largely unconsciously creates the need to rethink education. What are educational interventions that balance the digitalization of the lifeworld of our students?

Location: Kunde 101

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:11

Title: Preparing for Workplace Emergencies

Presenters: Dawn Carter

Description: This is for all persons working on any SRJC campus.  Disasters, emergencies & potential emergencies will happen.  There are simple actions you can take at the beginning of each semester to feel better prepared, and confident, when these situations occur.  We will discuss these actions.  There will be ample time for questions.

Location: Doyle 140

Pathway: Wellness & Safety

Session #: S1:12

Title: Reentry and Student Resources

Presenters: Carmen Quiroz and Lily Hunnemeder-Bergfelt

Description: A presentation of the services provided to students through the Reentry and Student Resource Center.

Location: Kunde 103

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:13

Title: Rising Scholar 101

Presenters: The Rising Scholar Team (Second Chance & IGNITE) Stacie Sather, Jessy Paisley

Description: The mission of Rising Scholars is to provide educational opportunities and support services to incarcerated & formerly incarcerated students. IGNITE serves as a pipeline from incarceration to college, and Second Chance continues the support when students are released and ready to continue their educational journey. Come learn more about the work we are doing, and the impact we are making on the lives of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students. Join us in building a community of support & success by providing hope & options for a positive future.

Location: Doyle 141 and Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/87307094909?pwd=b001dE41OXFiRkN0NTZRbUhWSm0zUT09

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:14

Title: SEIU Morning Session

Presenters: SEIU Classified Executive Council:     Sandy Sigala, Liko Puha, Bob Peterson, Jessica Melvin, Suzanne Allen, Zack Miranda, Greg Drukala, Debbie Riedmuller, Patty Collis, Marc Rudlin,     Josh Pinaula, Maria Banachowicz, Jorge DaCosta

Description: Negotiations Openers Discussion & Feedback

Location: Doyle 146  & Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/98120940634 

Pathway: Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S1:15

Title: Show Me the Money: A guide to requesting ITG and IELM funding

Presenters: Mary-Catherine Oxford/Kevin Snyder, Eve-Marie Miller

Description: Join the chairs of the Institutional Technology Group (ITG) and the leads of Instructional Equipment and Library Material (IELM) for a session on how to access ITG and IELM funding through PRPP. This session will include funding timelines, approval, eligibility, and purchasing process.

Location: Doyle 145

Pathway: Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills

Session #: S1:16

Title: The Pandemic's Impact on Our High School Students

Presenters: Anne Donegan and SRHS Counselors/Teachers: Seth Geffner, Levi Jones, Art Horner, Casey Elsa, Eric Bohn, Tracy Batchelder, Howard Frazee, Brianne Brawley, Matt Davis, Valerie Jordan

Description: Come hear how the pandemic and the shift to Zoom effected high school students. Counselors and teachers from SRHS will discuss their experiences.

Location: Kunde 202

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S1:17

Title: Unique Challenges Student Veterans Experience While Attending College

Presenters: Farrel Dobbins and Giovanni Alejo, Dr. Nancy Chinn, Student Panel : Kyle Palmer (former SRJC student), Jennifer Rea (current SRJC student)

Description: Join us for a short presentation and discussion on the unique challenges student veterans experience while attending college. Learn how to identify, help, and support student veterans at SRJC. A student panel will showcase the unique challenges they’ve experienced in college. There will be time for an open discussion and Q&A. This workshop is appropriate for faculty, classified staff, and associate faculty that work directly with students. 

Location: Zoom:  https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/87232508757?pwd=R08zWHROSlB2cUdRR1JMVE55ZXlCdz09 

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support


Session 2: 12:50 PM - 2:20 PM




Session #:S2:01

Title: 10 Strategies to Connect with and Better Support your Students Online

Presenters: Lauren Mitchell Nahas

Description: Let's explore some key, research-based, recommended practices in online teaching to improve equity outcomes and retention in online courses.  We will cover strategies to "humanize" your online course—how to build connection with your students—and key recommendations from the Peralta Online Equity Rubric.  In addition, we will cover Canvas features that support these strategies. The workshop will also provide attendees with a "goodie bag" of resources to take away with them and share with their departments and colleagues.  Shout-out to Alice Hampton for providing resources from her previous PDA session on a similar topic. A recorded version of this workshop will be available on the DE website. 

Location: Doyle 321

Pathway: TechnologyTeaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S2:02

Title: Advice for Students Unprepared for Transfer-Level Math

Presenters: Nora Wheeler

Description: This is a brainstorming session so that we can provide helpful, consistent, complete advice to students about the options available to them as they prepare for or are sruggling in transfer-level math classes.  If you are aware of any information that could help our students, please come and share.

Location: Kunde 101

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S2:03 (Cancelled)

Title: Cancelled -AFA Discussion on the Contract

Presenters: Sean Martin, K Frindell Teuscher, Anne Donegan, Kat Valenzuela, Steven Kessler, Leticia Contreras, Wayne Downey

Description: AFA Cabinet members will discuss an aspect of the contract. 

Location: Cancelled

Pathway: General Interest

Session #: S2:04

Title: Brook Tauzer Remembrance

Presenters: Bob Rubin and Other Retirees

Description: Brook Tauzer had deep roots at SRJC. During his tenure at SRJC from 1955-1986, Brook worked as an instructor of US history, dean of instruction, was the school’s first vice president of academic affairs, and served as Interim President of SRJC between Presidents Newman and Mikalson. He is also the namesake of the SRJC Brook Tauzer Faculty Lecture, which has occurred every spring PDA Day since 1994. Sadly, Brook passed away this summer. Join SRJC retirees in a remembrance of Brook’s life and impact on the college, and hear more about how Brook helped shape the foundation of the college we all stand on today.

Location: Newman Auditorium

Pathway: General Interest

Session #: S2:05

Title: Classified Senate Local and Statewide (4CS) Need to Know

Presenters: Debbie Weatherly and Kathy Matthies

Description: So much is happening with your Classified Senate: 
•    Establishing SRJC as another California ‘Caring Campus’ (What is ‘Caring Campus’? See the link here for more information click here
•    Adapting a 9+1 that has been created by the California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS)
•    New By-Laws and Constitution revisions to be introduced and voted on by all Classified Professionals at SRJC in February
•    Your input in your Professional Development needs and wishes
•    Going over our end of the year calendar and other activity ideas from you

Location: Room 4638, Bertolini Senate Chambers and Zoom https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/81571017635

Pathway: General Interest

Session #: S2:06

Title: Connecting College to Careers

Presenters: Giovanni Alejo

Description: Learn how to connect college to careers by applying the 3-I's career advising approach with students. It's easy as 1, 2, 3. Faculty, classified staff, and student Services professionals can use this advising approach to help students think about careers after college. Let's become successful!

Location: Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/89219121866?pwd=L0FyRUg1cVFoTG9SdGt6MGhzdHBKZz09 

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S2:07

Title: Fostering a Liberatory and Caring Community of Learning with Curiosity and Empathy - An Equitable and Restorative Framework

Presenters: Katlin Choi (Faculty, San Diego Mesa College)

Description: This workshop is a deeper dive from Session 1. This session will offer examples of testimonials and lessons learned from incorporating the frameworks. It will also hold space for exploring and ideating what it may look like to apply the frameworks in our individual practices with students and with one another.

Location: Garcia 101

Pathway: Wellness & Safety, General Interest

Session #: S2:08

Title: Is sustainability the next central districtwide focus?  How can you contribute to solving the climate crisis?

Presenters: David Liebman, Abigail Zoger, Guy Tillotson, Alexa Forrester

Description: Please join us to find out how to make SRJC more of a power player in solving our climate and sustainability crisis. The Sustainability Committee has completed an extensive draft of the “Greenprint 2.0” which outlines all the ambitious goals for our district. We need students, staff, faculty and administrators to join in advocating for systems that will align our work with our ecological values. Attending this session will show that this is a top priority for you and the college, no matter what level of involvement you end up pursuing. The Sustainability Committee’s leaders will overview transformative projects being completed and the many plans for: transportation, water use, curriculum, culture, etc.  This highly-interactive session will connect your ideas to the Greenprint and extend our team of dedicated, involved classified professionals, faculty members, and administrators.

Location: Kunde 102

Pathway: Climate Change & Sustainability

Session #: S2:09

Title: Learn How to Fly a Drone

Presenters: Donald Laird

Description: Ever wished that you could fly with the birds? Here's your chance! Come learn how to fly a drone and experience flight in a whole new way. You'll be provided one of the drones used in the Computer Studies drone classes, given flight instruction, and then have the chance to see the world from a different perspective. You might even find a way to include drone technology in your own program.

Location: Maggini 2907

Pathway: Technology

Session #: S2:10

Title: Refugee Sponsorship: Learn about a new Federal Program helping Ukrainians and Venezuelans

Presenters: Mary-Catherine Oxford & Anna Tereshchenko (student)

Description: Learn about the Uniting for Ukraine program and how the government is now using this model for refugees from Venezuela. Hear directly from a sponsor and beneficiary of the program. You will also hear from the beneficiary about their experience coming from Ukraine through the Uniting for Ukraine program and their experience starting as a student at SRJC.

Location: Doyle 151

Pathway: Citizenship & Democracy

Session #: S2:11

Title: (Re)Scripting the Black-Activist-Athlete: Remembering the Racialized Politics of Sport in the NFL's Protests During the National Anthem

Presenters: Dr. Ashley Garcia

Description: In the fall of 2016, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the pre-game singing of the National Anthem, sparking a movement. Although Kaepernick stated he was protesting to draw attention to racialized violence committed against Black Americans, he and the other Black-activist-athletes were accused by President Trump and his supporters of disrespecting the military, veterans, and the American flag. I recently defended my doctoral dissertation, which views Kaepernick, and the backlash rhetoric against his protests, as a symptom of a larger social phenomenon: the rise of racism and White nationalism during the Trump presidency. As such, the relationships between sport, politics, race, and identity are interrogated in the context of the Black-activist-athlete. Four conceptual hooks drive the interrogation of these relationships: (1) the historic violence against the Black masculine body; (2) patriotism; (3) race card play; and (4) the commodification of the Black masculine body. Exploring these hooks in the analysis chapters, which focus on the 2016, 2017, and 2018 National Football League (NFL) seasons, requires situating Kaepernick's protests in two contexts: the lineage of the Black-activist-athlete in American sport and the contemporary legal lynchings that sparked the most recent iteration of the Black Freedom Struggle, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. In analyzing Kaepernick's protests, and the backlash against them, I make three contributions: First, I fuse iconic photographs and image events to argue that images of Kaepernick protesting constitute an iconic image event, which has important epideictic functions. Second, a close reading of President Trump's 2017 remarks calling for the Black-activist-athletes of the NFL to be fired unveils how he plays the race card by using implicit, coded racial appeals - patriotism is used as a code for race. Lastly, two brands of patriotism are contrasted - nationalistic and critical - to argue that Nike's stance, portrayed in the 2018 "Dream Crazy" ad, repositions Kaepernick from a disloyal, disrespectful Other in the eyes of nationalistic patriots to a Black critical patriot.

Location: Garcia 100

Pathway: Diversity & Demographics

Session #: S2:12

Title: SRJC COVID Update

Presenters: Dr. Mase, Sonoma County’s Deputy Health Officer, and Rebecca Norwick 

Description: Dr. Mase, Sonoma County’s Deputy Health Officer, and Rebecca Norwick, SRJC Director of Student Health, will provide an update on the status of the effects of the Coronavirus, including the impact of the latest strains, along with prevention tips for moving forward through the ongoing pandemic. Rebecca Norwick will share her expertise and data on SRJC students and employees in relation to the COVID epidemic.  Moderated by Kat Slusser, participants will have opportunity at the end of the workshop to ask questions of the presenters. This is a zoom only presentation.  

Location: Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/82423235353

Pathway: Wellness & Safety

Session #: S2:13

Title: Strategic Planning Update

Presenters: Nancy Persons, Jeremy Smotherman, Robert Ethington

Description: In this session we will provide an update on the progress of SRJC's second round of Strategic Planning. 

Location: Doyle 146

Pathway: General Interest

Session #: S2:14 (Cancelled)

Title: Cancelled - The Future of Native American Studies at SRJC

Presenters: Lori Laiwa Thomas

Description:  Cancelled - This activity will provide understanding of key concepts within the discipline of Native American Studies at Santa Rosa Junior College.

Location: Cancelled - https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/3155184036

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S2:15

Title: The Mental Health of Latinx Students and Learning

Presenters: Rafael Vazquez Guzman

Description: As a result of COVID, many Latinx students dropped out of college. There are many reasons why this happened and during this workshop, we will discuss among other issues, the mental health barriers for these students. Whether students want more in-person classes and how comfortable they feel about asking for support. Then, we will discuss ways that faculty, staff, and administration can best support this population.

Location: Kunde 103

Pathway: Teaching, Learning and Student Support

Session #: S2:16

Title: The State of U.S. Voting Rights

Presenters: Johannes van Gorp

Description: Access to the ballot is a fundamental right in a democracy. Nonetheless, we are once again living through a period in which that right is not guaranteed for all. This presentation examines the surge of voting rights related legislation across the country and what it means for the state of U.S. democracy in the 21 century.

Location: Kunde 104

Pathway: Citizenship & Democracy

Session #: S2:17

Title: Trans Competency: What Trans Individuals Want You to Know

Presenters: Orlando O’Shea-(Meeting Chair/Founding Committee Member, TransLife) and Mel Brown, LMFT

Description: This is an educational workshop that will feature a mixture of statistics and stories of those who died by violence last year and the system issues that contribute to the high rates of violence endured by trans individuals, especially trans women of color.

Location: Kunde 201

Pathway: Diversity & Demographics


Session 3: 2:40 PM - 4:10 PM




Session #: S3:01

Title: An informal informational conversation about the HyFlex course design method and teaching approach

Presenters: Tara Jacobson and Michael McKeever

Description: An open discussion regarding the existing pedagogical elements of HyFlex in some of our classes/programs and the societal, economic, technical, and environmental impact it may have for our students. How do instructors manage students in person and online simultaneously?

Location: Doyle 140 or Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/89664426672?from=addon" 

Recording: HyFlex Presentation

Pathway: Technology, Teaching, Learning & Student Support



Session #: S3:02

Title: Curriculum Changes in the Math Department: What effect will the recent changes have on your students and your programs?

Presenters: Jennifer Carlin-Goldberg

Description: After we were no longer able to offer non-transfer level math courses at SRJC as of Fall 2022, the Mathematics Department made several curriculum and placement changes in order to continue to meet the diverse needs of SRJC students and to best ensure their successful completion of their academic goals. In this session, you will learn what changes have been made, effects of equity gaps and completion rates, some of the effects of those changes, and what additional courses we will be able to offer in the near future. There will be space in this session to hear from you as well! How have these changes affected your programs and how the students doing in your classes?

Location: Doyle 141

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S3:03

Title: De-Escalation Strategies, Trauma Informed Care, and B-Care Team Role and Responsibilities

Presenters: B-Care Team: Robert Ethington, Kim Starke, 
Chief Robert Brownlee, Margaret Grayson, Bert Epstein 

Description: Come meet your B-Care Response Team. Join us to discuss de-escalation techniques using a trauma informed care approach, and develop strategies to restore an environment conducive to learning and success.

Location: Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/87806673622

Pathway: Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills, Wellness & Safety

Session #: S3:04

Title: Ethics, Social Justice, and Infectious Diseases

Presenters: Steven Kessler

Description: The Covid Pandemic has highlighted inequities in society's responses to infectious disease outbreaks in the U.S. and around the world.  In this presentation, we will consider some examples of these inequities over the past 90 years.  Research on Syphilis and outbreaks of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Covid will be covered.

Location: Kunde 101

Pathway: Wellness & Safety, Diversity & Demographics

Session #: S3:05

Title: Fireside Chat: An Opportunity for Conversation with President Frank Chong and the Vice Presidents

Presenters: Robert Ethington, Frank Chong, Gene Durand, Kate Jolley, and Robert Holcomb

Description: Please join us to connect, ask questions and discuss updates on SRJC’s current priorities, challenges and plans for the upcoming semester.

Location: Burbank Studio Theatre

Pathway: General Interest

Session #: S3:06

Title: Incorporating Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices with Social Annotation Assignments

Presenters: Purnur Ozbirinci, Canon Crawford and Lauren Nahas

Description: The presenters will introduce Hypothes.is, an app available within Canvas that supports student comments on texts in several formats. Social annotation assignments feature primary or secondary source texts with students drawing on their experiences to comment on them. Several examples of culturally responsive assignments in different disciplines will be provided, and a demonstration of Hypothes.is will prepare attendees for implementing the app in courses.

Location: Kunde 102

Pathway: Diversity & Demographics, Technology Learning & Student Support

Session #: S3:07

Title: Introduction to Excel - Tips and Tricks

Presenters: Stephanie Dirks

Description: An introduction to how to use excel and some fun tips and tricks.

Location: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/83583863104 (Session Changed to Zoom Only)

Pathway: Technology

Session #: S3:08 (Cancelled)

Title: Canceled - Leading Through Research – Faculty Sharing Their Research Projects

Presenters: Nicole Slovak & Rafael Vasquez Guzman

Description: Canceled - Have you been curious about the kinds of scholarly research your JC colleagues are engaged in outside of the classroom? Have you successfully published, presented on, or engaged in creative discipline-related research while at the JC? Would you like to carry out a research project but have no idea where to begin? Have you wished you could find ways to engage your students in academic research and scholarly projects? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider attending our workshop, which focuses on the ins and outs of carrying out professional, discipline-specific research independent of the classroom setting. Participants are asked to come prepared to share their own research experiences, current or potential project ideas or research questions, and funding sources.

Location: Canceled

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S3:09

Title: Meditation for Everyone

Presenters: Bette Smith

Description: Meditation is a valuable tool that changes your brain and supports your well-being. Just a short amount of time spent in meditation each day, enhances our busy lives. During this workshop we will experience meditation together and discuss benefits of meditation and mindfulness in our daily lives. There will be time for questions and learning from each other.

Location: Kunde 103

Pathway: Wellness & Safety

Session #: S3:10

Title: Outreach is Everyone’s Business

Presenters: Oscar Guajardo, Colleen Olmstead, Stacey Krywaruczenko, Juan Arias, Beatriz Camargo

Description: As we look into ways of increasing enrollment for our District, outreach becomes an essential tool to reach our diverse communities.  We are all connected to different groups within our vast Sonoma County and we All represent SRJC. Come and learn how we can work together to promote, market, engage and encourage people in our community (and beyond) to attend SRJC!!

Location: Doyle 320 (4420)

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S3:11

Title: Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Presenters: Catherine Williams

Description: Colleagues are invited to join in a review and discussion of the past, present, and future of psychedelic assisted therapy in Western Medicine. This therapeutic approach is an intersection of fungi, neuroscience, Indigenous Knowledge, colonization, power and the drug approval process, spirituality, and mental health treatment.

Location: Kunde 104 or Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/82433675301?pwd=YVl2d0RuR1ZEd3VLZTRHODVzNzc4dz09

Pathway: Wellness & Safety

Session #: S3:12

Title: Research Databases @ SRJC Libraries: Putting Equity in Action

Presenters: Sheila Cunningham, Erin Daniels, Loretta Esparza, Jessica Harris, Phyllis Usina, Canon Crawford

Description: Access to high-quality information is essential to achieving many forms of equity. Join SRJC Librarians as we highlight premium content library databases focusing on health, nursing, science, technology, and more, to meet a range of needs for students at various academic levels. Databases highlighted in Fall 2022 PDA, including Black, LGBTQ and Native American Thought & Culture, will continue to be available for exploration. As a participant, you'll receive access to a grab-and-go repertoire of library learning tools, resources and assignments, ready to drop into your in-person or online curriculum. There is a lot to explore here! In the spirit of universal design, you prioritize the modules that fit your needs in this self-enroll Canvas session. Have questions? Live library faculty support will be available during this PDA session via online chat. Optional: Join Librarians at Doyle Library, Rm 4327, for in-person support. Canvas self-enroll link: https://canvas.santarosa.edu/enroll/P7MNJY

Location: Self-enroll via Canvas @ https://canvas.santarosa.edu/enroll/P7MNJY 
 OR optional In-Person Support: Doyle 4327 

Pathway: Teaching Learning & Student Support

Session #: S3:13

Title: SEIU Afternoon Session

Presenters: SEIU Classified Executive Council: Sandy Sigala, Liko Puha, Bob Peterson, Jessica Melvin, Suzanne Allen, Zack Miranda, Greg Drukala, Debbie Riedmuller, Patty Collis, Marc Rudlin, Josh Pinaula, Maria Banachowicz, Jorge DaCosta

Description: Negotiations Openers Discussion & Feedback

Location: Doyle 146  & Zoom: https://santarosa-edu.zoom.us/j/98120940634

Pathway: General Interest

Session #: S3:14

Title: Staff Softball

Presenters: Keith Waxman, Laura Sparks

Description: This is a Staff non-competitive softball warm-up and game, similar to the Soccer Workshop Offered at Fall PDA.

Location: Softball Field

Pathway: Wellness & Safety

Session #: S3:15

Title: The Educational Journey of Southwest Center Students

Presenters: Hector Delgado

Description: Over 90 percent of the students enrolled at the Southwest Center are adult English language learners, essential and farm workers, and newly arrived immigrants. This workshop aims to shed light on the potential of this student population in following educational pathways from noncredit to credit programs.

Location: Kunde 201

Pathway: Diversity & Demographics, Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S3:16

Title: Toward Creating a Strategic Plan for the ESL Department

Presenters: Bita Bookman

Description: The ESL Department will be working on drafting IDEAA-focused strategic plans for the credit and CDCP ESL pathways. Topics will include the Department’s vision, mission, core values, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and action plans.

Location: Kunde 202

Pathway: Teaching, Learning & Student Support

Session #: S3:17

Title: Yoga and Meditation

Presenters: fitSRJC: Maleese Warner

Description: Take control of your physical and mental health with a calming session of yoga and meditation. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Please bring your own yoga mats.

Location: Analy Village 643

Pathway: Wellness & Safety


Session 4: 12:50 PM - 4:10 PM



Session #: S4:01

Title: Canadian Nursing Education: Presenting teaching strategies our northern neighbors employ to enhance student equity at SRJC and increase academic success for ESL nursing students

Presenters: Scott Meehl

Description: Canada welcomes multiculturalism and encourages university graduates from abroad to become permanent residents.  More than twenty-two percent of the Canadian population is foreign-born; one of the highest ratios amongst industrialized Western countries. Newcomers receive English or French language and acculturation courses and are free to pursue college level programs of study. Nursing provides work and wage stability.  Canadian nursing programs have consistently high enrollments.  However, nursing faculty frequently encounter foreign born students with limited language capabilities, which pose significant academic challenges. This department-specific workshop reviews learning challenges many SRJC ESL nursing students face and presents remediation strategies which Canadian nursing programs use to promote increased student equity and success. The strategies are a synthesis of collaborative exchanges with French and English-speaking nursing faculty at Canadian Cegeps - the Quebec equivalent of Community Colleges.

Location: Race 4061

Pathway: Teaching Learning & Student Support

Session #: S4:02

Title: EMC Discipline Workshop

Presenters: Arthur Hsieh

Description: Department Wide Activity, optional for Associate Faculty

Location: Windsor Public Safety training Center 601

Pathway: Teaching Learning & Student Support

Session #: S4:03

Title: X-Ray Fluorescence: Theory and Practice

Presenters: Joe Fassler, Orlando Raola

Description: The Department has recently added x-ray fluorescence to the analytical tools we can use to support teaching Chemistry at SRJC. We are planning a Departmental activity (although all other colleagues are welcome to show up) in which the basics of XRF will be presented, followed by a hands-on session in our Bruker's Titan S1.

Location: Bertolini 4643

Pathway: Teaching Learning & Student Support






Session #1: PRE:01

Title: Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Training

Presenters: Keenan SafeColleges Online Training

Description: All faculty members are required to successfully complete one (1) hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training every two (2) years, either online or at Professional Development Activities (PDA) days, which may count as one and a half (1.5) hours toward the flex obligation. Faculty who choose to complete this flex obligation during Spring 2023 PDA will not be eligible to receive pay at the base hourly rate for this requirement. Associate faculty are assigned the training on the day preceding the first pay date of the semester and must complete the training by the semester flex deadline in which the training is assigned. Contract faculty are assigned the training by the first contract day of the fall semester and must complete the training by the spring flex deadline in the academic year in which the training is assigned.

Location: Keenan SafeColleges Online Training

Pathway: Wellness & Safety