California Community College Council for Staff & Organizational Development (4C/SD)
- Provides information and advocates for staff development to a variety of state-wide educational institutions such as the Academic Senate, Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) and Community College League of California (CCLC).
- Advises the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office with regard to the development and interpretation of state regulations and required reports.
- Shares staff development resources on how to start and maintain effective staff development programs and dealing with specific problems and situations.
- Provides training opportunities for staff development officers and their institutions.
- Provides a variety of publications including a Contact Directory, listing all the staff development officers in California and a speaker resource publication which lists available speakers for on campus programs.
- Organizes state and regional conferences as well as mini conferences to address current issues and trends in staff development. Registration fees are discounted for 4C/SD members.
- Provides informational, interactive listserv online for members and non-members in staff development
For more information, please visit 4CSD official site.
California Community College Classified Senate (4CS)
The California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS), constituted as a voluntary membership body of appropriately recognized shared governance bodies, colleges, and districts which recognizes the value of higher education in the State of California, sees its mission as:
- Advocationg the value and contributions classified staff provide to the learning environment;
- Providing quality service to promote student success;
- Cooperating with other organizations in the interest of enriching the educational environment of the California Community Colleges;
- Serving as a liaison between the California Community Colleges' Senates;
- Promoting the participation of classified staff in shared governance at the State and local levels; and
- Developing and supporting classified senates at the local level.
- For more information, please visit 4CS official site.
Pathways Legend Pathways is a concept meant to help organize your personal professional development plan into a meaningful and result-oriented process. Use the legend below to determine which Pathway a workshop follows. This organizational tool will help you determine which workshops to attend in order to focus on a particular Pathway. The descriptions provided below are meant to include but not be limited to the trainings described. |
Title |
Learning Outcomes
Teaching, Learning, and Student Support |
As appropriate to their role at the college, the faculty and others as appropriate will be able to:
Diversity and Demographics |
As appropriate to their role at the college, all SRJC employees will demonstrate sensitivity to the diversity of our students, staff, and community, including sensitivity to age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, and ability/disability. |
Leadership Development & Management Techniques |
As appropriate to their role at the college, all SRJC employees will demonstrate leadership and management skills, such as taking initiative, managing their time, serving in participatory governance, adapting to change, facilitating meetings, building teams, managing their work, and/or providing leadership in their area of expertise. |
Technology |
As appropriate to their role at the college, all SRJC employees will be proficient in the technology tools necessary to perform their work, such as use of presentation technology, email, word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, online teaching course management, and working knowledge of District systems such as the purchasing, program review, and student information systems. |
Wellness and Safety |
As appropriate to their role at the college, all SRJC employees will demonstrate a basic understanding of how to protect the wellness and safety of themselves and others, such as implementing emergency procedures, reporting injuries or incidents, preserving health, and coping with stress. |
Workplace Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills |
As appropriate to their role at the college, all SRJC employees will demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge effectively on the job, such as knowledge of the history and traditions of the college, the participatory governance structure, policies and procedures related to their work, regulations or legal requirements relevant to the job. As appropriate to their roles, all employees will demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills. |